The FCA website is where members can find up to date information, news, upcoming events, meetings, workshops, contacts and more. It also reinforces postings on our social media sites. As such, I attend regular Executive Board meetings to stay on top of upcoming events and news that will inform or interest our Victoria FCA members.
Executive members who are responsible for their areas of expertise provide content, but leave the presentation (that is, the fun part) to the website manager. Working closely with each member of the team, there is much to learn about the workings of the Chapter, while meeting great artists in the membership. About the Victoria FCA Board
The Board is composed of members with years of experience with the Victoria FCA as well as new members looking to deepen connections with Victoria's art community. The members of the Executive Board were helpful, cooperative and inspiring. I've learned so much since joining, not only about the FCA, but about the workings of exhibitions and improving my skills as an artist and communicator. If you are new to the Victoria FCA or have been a long-time member, consider joining us on the board or on one of the committees.
Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments about our website.