Supporting Membership
About Supporting Membership
Victoria Chapter Supporting members must first be National FCA members. A supporting membership is available to anyone who is interested in art and would like to learn more about it. The Victoria Chapter of the FCA is made up of a group of artists who meet regularly and have a focus on learning. Meetings provide an opportunity for Supporting Members to find mentorship, to learn from our demonstrations and critiques, to participate in our workshops and to socialize with other artists.
An FCA Supporting Member receives information regarding Federation events on an ongoing and regular basis, including a free subscription to Art Avenue Magazine. All Victoria Chapter members also receive the digital Grapevine with news of our Victoria Chapter shows and events, including shows and art related news from our individual members. Supporting members must qualify for Active membership before they can enter FCA exhibitions.
To join or renew your FCA Supporting Membership fees click here.
An FCA Supporting Member receives information regarding Federation events on an ongoing and regular basis, including a free subscription to Art Avenue Magazine. All Victoria Chapter members also receive the digital Grapevine with news of our Victoria Chapter shows and events, including shows and art related news from our individual members. Supporting members must qualify for Active membership before they can enter FCA exhibitions.
To join or renew your FCA Supporting Membership fees click here.