The Grapevine is our members’ newsletter, designed to celebrate the many awards, milestones and successes of our accomplished artists. It is also a platform to raise awareness of the events, shows and artist opportunities available on southern Vancouver Island that our members participate in.
The Grapevine is generally produced three to four times a year. We strive to include members who have works accepted into regional exhibitions, as well as any of the shows in Vancouver by the national Federation. We also seek member contributions, where they can report on any shows, awards and other milestones that they have achieved over the months since our last edition.
As Grapevine Editor, I work with an assistant, currently David Good, to compile all this information and accompanying images, and incorporate these into MailChimp for distribution to the members via email. Members can also send their other news directly to me, at [email protected]. Attention to detail, organization and good written and online skills are all that is needed to make this a success - but we depend on you, the members, to make sure we know what you are accomplishing each season!