Victoria Chapter Contacts
Victoria FCA Board Directors
President: Kathleen Manning
Past President: Carol Koebbeman, AFCA
Vice-President: Gord Smith
Secretary and Art Avenue Liaison: Rose Tanner, AFCA
Treasurer: Phillippa Brown
President: Kathleen Manning
Past President: Carol Koebbeman, AFCA
Vice-President: Gord Smith
Secretary and Art Avenue Liaison: Rose Tanner, AFCA
Treasurer: Phillippa Brown
Victoria FCA Committee Chairs
Exhibition Coordinator: Simon Stuart
Exhibitions Coordinator: Stephanie Webb
Workshops Coordinator: Carol Bednarski
Communications Chair: Ken Faulks, SFCA
Artist Presentation Coordinator: Lucille Proulx
Exhibitions Coordinator: Stephanie Webb
Workshops Coordinator: Carol Bednarski
Communications Chair: Ken Faulks, SFCA
Artist Presentation Coordinator: Lucille Proulx
Committee Members
Communications Committee
Vic FCA General MeetingsMeeting Schedule and Details:
See Meetings Page Meets at the Cedar Hill Rec Centre, in Art Room 2. 3220 Cedar Hill Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 3Y3 Meetings start at 6:45pm and finish between 8:30 and 9:00 pm. If there is an artist you would like to see give a demo or a presentation, please let anyone on the executive committee know. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram |